- Publisher : Unlikely Books (September 11, 2020)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 70 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1733714359
- ISBN-13 : 978-17337143
was a finalist for the Medal Provocateur, but did not win. It is still a finalist for the Eric Hoffer Grand Prize, which will be announced around May 10.
Typescenes is an Experiment:
Typescenes is an experience.
The author has, through the medium or vehicle of prose poetry, invited us to participate in both….the Experiment and the Experience which are essentially one and the same, though not identical. Are you intrigued yet? Are you confused? Have I lost you yet?
To clarify, once you crack open Typescenes you, the audience, have agreed to participate in the endeavor. Whether you are an active or passive participant is irrelevant. Whether you are aware of participating is also irrelevant. This is an experiment in the application of language and its effect on the human psyche. Particularly, the application of one word, “_______” to create solid connections or divisions in meaning through subtle and obvious direction. It is the use or application of “_________” in a similar fashion to the “one thing” of the Thrice Great Hermes.
The author’s execution of this endeavor is at once simple, precise and enveloping. Through the author’s wordsmithing we are invited to enjoy a work of avant-pop sensibility that is smart, interactive and is still readily accessible to all.
To paraphrase the publisher of this work, the Forward, Preface, Acknowledgements and About the Author are not required to engage in this work. You could just jump directly into the poetic density unassisted. That said, by partaking in these peripheral items your experience is thoroughly enhanced as they are deftly crafted and execute the perfect preparation for the work itself. This creates an experiment that is therefore collaborative.
In conclusion, I implore you to “_________” Typescenes. By “________”ing Typscenes you will not just add it to your physical or digital library, it will also be a volume for ever in your psychic library.
Typescenes is available on Amazon.
(Excerpt From Author’s Bio: )
Since this Author grew up being held up and also having to hold themselves down while colliding with separate and unequal educational and social service systems_ waves of culturally ignorant national drug policies on crack and opioid epidemics_ United States Veterans lives_ Black bodies with AIDS_ Black bodies on Black bodies violence_ federal surveillance of poor and woke bodies_ especially legalized brutality including government legislation leading to the murder and forced migrations of peoples This author knows miracles_