Since Andrea went to a Catholic university and is very much NOT Catholic, she was able to fill her Religion class spots with any Humanities courses she wanted to take, resulting in her getting a minor in Art. She loves all art forms but is really into decoupage, collage, mixed media, and painting. She has recently been doing her paintings with gouache and been focusing on portraits, mostly of famous people. The portraits are meant to look like photos that have been put through filters. Though she doesn't care for the title of "A Creative," she has been one as far back as she can remember, making tiny books and creating things out of found objects since she could hold a pencil and resist gluing her hands together.
Andrea E. Lodge resides in Philadelphia with her husband and two disabled cats; Budgie, with only three legs, no tail, constantly drooling, and Loki, AKA Poki, AKA, Pokapotamus (because he weighs 20 pounds), a Scottish fold with only one folded ear. She studied English/Secondary Education at Holy Family University and taught middle and high school Writing and Literature after graduating. She is now a full-time writer and and artist.