Saturday, April 17, 2021

GAS Featured Poet: Merritt Waldon

Merritt Waldon is Southern Indiana poet who has been published in Road Dawgz, Sun Poetic Times,The Brooklyn Rail, Be About It Zine, River Dog #1, Sparring with Beatnik Ghosts, Americans & others anthology fourth edition, Crisis Chronicles, Cajun Mutt Press, The Rye Whiskey Review, and Fearless! At midnight Christmas night 2020, Cajun Mutt Press released Oracles from a Strange Fire by Ron Whitehead & Merritt. He lives in Austin, Indiana

Merritt has joined the GAS staff as an interviewer/reviewer. His first article with us was an interview with his mentor, Ron Whitehead.  It is located two articles below this one.

Here is an sampling of his poetry:

Star perched ravens nest__

In the wilderness, a repetitive pilgrimage 

Of Spirit & earth

Muddy mingling of forms

Brown, green & ruddy

The world spins

As I sit here cackling and Cawing

The winged eternal songs

Weaving each moment beak wise

Into a nest perched upon a star

Tending to the hatchling future

Struggling for life


Will I even recognize the music__

Thoughts slide down the wall behind me

Slowly moving, drying to the wall

Sky percolates with rain

I take a piece of paper & wipe the thoughts off

The wall

Once dried they will be the perfect

Song for boredom sang by birds,

Television, traffic, & of course

Blown out thoughts

I now think of finding the page years from now

Will I even recognize the music

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