Merritt has joined the GAS staff as an interviewer/reviewer. His first article with us was an interview with his mentor, Ron Whitehead. It is located two articles below this one.
Here is an sampling of his poetry:
Star perched ravens nest__
In the wilderness, a repetitive pilgrimage
Of Spirit & earth
Muddy mingling of forms
Brown, green & ruddy
The world spins
As I sit here cackling and Cawing
The winged eternal songs
Weaving each moment beak wise
Into a nest perched upon a star
Tending to the hatchling future
Struggling for life
Will I even recognize the music__
Thoughts slide down the wall behind me
Slowly moving, drying to the wall
Sky percolates with rain
I take a piece of paper & wipe the thoughts off
The wall
Once dried they will be the perfect
Song for boredom sang by birds,
Television, traffic, & of course
Blown out thoughts
I now think of finding the page years from now
Will I even recognize the music
Congratulations to both Merritt and to the GAS community.