Showing posts with label Bart Solarczyk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bart Solarczyk. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26, 2023

GAS Featured Poet: Bart Solarczyk

Bart Solarczyk is a lifelong resident of Pittsburgh, PA. Over the past forty years his poems have been published in print & online in a variety of magazines, journals, anthologies, broadsides & chapbooks. He is the author of three full-length collections of poetry including his most recent book, Carried Where We Go, available from Redhawk Publications on Amazon.  

An Old Man Being Me 
If I must be an old man 
this is how I’ll be: 
what I see in the mirror  
pain & goodness in my heart 
the poison I breathe 
& the shit that passes through me 
wounded ducks in a row 
beer in the backyard  
a dead wife plump with memories 
& no new wife required 
television as white noise 
poems plastered to that frequency  
a mouthful of green fog 
stay hungry, exhale slowly 
limping but still moving 
reading then forgetting  
sleeping in a chair  
dreaming ghosts are people  
going to the doctor 
going to the doctor 
going to the doctor 
& sometimes there’s good news 
what lives behind my eyes  
backflipping pages 
no hero, no ascension  
just an old man being me.  
Sun & Leaves 
This is fucked up 
I have cancer 
I’m cold 
& my ass hurts 
through the window  
a world away 
a golden sun 
warms green leaves 
but in here 
I have cancer 
it’s fucked up 
I watch the window 
sun & leaves 
my ass hurts 
I’m cold. 
4 Haiku  
not quite there- 
preparing for 
my sponge bath 
& grief still wins 
driving to the doctor - 
wounded city framed 
in morning’s windshield  
wings to dust -  
the nothing  
we become  
School Prayer 
Bullet holes 
in blackboards 
kids & cops 
& killers 
America please 
stop it with the guns.  
Write It Down 
Write it down 
so you know 
it really happened 
write it down 
to bring truth 
to a lie 
write it down 
like a Valentine 
love me 
while the air 
is still sweet 
write it down.  

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A Review of Bart Solarczyk’s TILTED WORLD (Low Ghost Press 2019) by Heidi Blakeslee

 Bart Solarczyk lives in Pittsburgh PA with his dog & cat. Over the past thirty-eight years he’s published poems in a variety of litmags & anthologies. His work has recently appeared in Big Hammer, Street Value, Live Nude Poems, Rasputin, Winedrunk Sidewalk, The Pittsburgh Book Review, River Dog & Roadside Raven Review. He is the author of nine chapbooks. Tilted World is his first full-length collection of poems.

When diving into this copy I thought, hmm, “Tilted World.”  Could he mean like, “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?” Were bats indeed flying over the windshield?  Or perhaps just that everything in our society is askew?  After reading half the book in one go, I think it might be the former.  I don’t know.  Alcohol, poetry, and smoke have long been bedfellows, and frankly Solarczyk’s work makes me hope they stay that way.  

    Solarczyk’s poetry is a nod to Alice’s little white rabbit with alcohol standing in as the Jabberwocky. We follow him in and out of paisley rabbit holes.  While there, he shows us gritty and honest things.  He shows us quirky things, as in his poem about his daughter eating Lunchables, “My Strange Daughter.”

    Some of the poems are sparse, abrupt, and jarring.  Other poems delivered a depth of thought about the ugly side of life that I didn’t know I was craving.  Although some of the work is playful, there is a bleaker side to some of the lines.  Still, they satisfied the corner of my brain that longs for oddity and edginess. Solarczyk is very much a writing-man’s poet, dedicating a poem here or there to other prominent writer friends.

    His truths about how a body gets through life with the aid/horror of drink and how a mind gets through life with the balm/curiosity of cannabis play prominently throughout.  I enjoyed “Tilted World” because Solarczyk’s meticulous “real deal” writing captivated my interest right away and held it through the entire work.  I had no idea where I was going next and I loved that.

    If you’re in the mood for some imaginative lines from the gut, true poetry, give “Tilted World” a read.  You’ll be glad you did.

Tilted World

For every pair of mismatched socks

there’s a blind man happy to oblige

for every sock lost in the dryer

there’s a weary amputee

I walk in peace, I mean no harm

still the crow shits on my head

such exquisite balance

requires a tilted world.

Hear a review and reading by Bart in GAS video show #3.