Friday, January 24, 2025

GAS Featured Poet: Duane Anderson


Duane Anderson currently lives in La Vista, NE.  He has had poems published in Fine Lines, Cholla Needles, Tipton Poetry Journal, and several other publications. He is the author of ‘On the Corner of Walk and Don’t Walk,’ ‘The Blood Drives: One Pint Down,’ and ‘Conquer the Mountains,’ and ‘Family Portraits.’

In the Eyes of a Glass

I am one of your companions,
holding what you pour into me,
tasting each treasured fluid 
as it is placed inside of me,

not caring if I am filled with water,
milk out of a gallon jug,
beer out of a bottle
pop out of a can.

Fill me with the drink of your choice,
then drink from me 
what you have trusted me to protect,
whether you sip me, gulp me, chug me,

and what once filled one belly 
disappears into the belly of another.
I am one always patiently waiting
for the next round of liquid refreshments.

A toast to you my friend,
a toast to me.
Let’s celebrate
as our lips touch each other in friendship.

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